1.Swirl impeller: the type of impeller pump, due to the impeller part or all of the reduced pressure water chamber. Therefore, no blocking performance, over particle capacity and long fiber through a strong ability. Particles in the pressurized water flow through the impeller rotation of the vortex generated by the promotion of the movement, the suspension of the particle itself does not produce energy, just in the flow channel and liquid exchange energy.
2.Impeller structure: the impeller structure is divided into four categories: blade type (open and closed), cyclone type, channel type, (including single channel and dual channel) spiral centrifugal four open, semi open impeller has the advantages of easy fabrication, when the impeller can cause blockage, easy cleaning and maintenance but, in the long run, the particle abrasion will make the clearance of blade and the side wall of the indoor water pressure increase, thereby reducing efficiency.
3.Flow channel type impeller: the impeller is a non blade impeller, the impeller flow channel is a from the inlet to the outlet of a curved flow. Therefore suitable for pumping large particles and long fibers containing medium. Good blocking resistance.
4.Closed impeller: the type of normal efficiency of the impeller is higher, in the long-term operation of the situation is relatively stable, the type of impeller pump axial force is small, can be set on the front and back cover plate. The auxiliary vane on the front cover can reduce the vortex loss of the impeller inlet and the wear of the seal ring. On the back side vane not only play the role of axial force balance, but also can prevent the suspended particles into the cavity of the mechanical seal mechanical seal protection.
5.Screw centrifugal impeller: the impeller of the blade for the twisted spiral blades, in the conical wheel body from the suction port along the axial extension. The impeller of the pump and the volume of the pump and the role of the centrifugal pump, the suspension of particles in the flow through the pump, do not hit any part of the pump, it is good. The destruction of the conveyor is small. Due to the promotion of the role of helix, suspended particles through strong, so use the type of impeller suitable for pumping large particles and long fibers containing medium, medium and high concentration. Has the obvious characteristic in the situation which has the strict request to the transportation medium destruction.