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How to deal with the vibration of the fountain pump

QSP fountain pump


1. Use should pay attention to: lead to the elimination of fountain pump overload factors, such as clogging; appropriate to extend the pump opening time, reduce the disturbance of the drive shaft, rotary impact and friction between parts and stationary parts is decreased, and the resulting thermal deformation; for water lubricated sliding bearing, start process should be full of pre moistened water skiing, avoid dry start, until the water pump to stop pouring.

2. Two pumps in parallel shall ensure that the pump performance is the same. Pump performance curve should be slow down for good, can not have a hump.

3. The fountain pump is recommended in order to prevent the fountain pump is too large, you can also use the measurement and analysis of vibration conditions to determine the best working parameters of the pump.

4. On a regular basis to need the amount of oil bearing oiling, for axis liquid centrifugal pump, because the shaft have a torsional vibration, if used with thrust, damage is mainly thrust, then can be an appropriate increase in the lubricating oil viscosity, prevent liquid dynamic pressure lubricating film damage

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