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How to deal with the oscillation of the fountain pump

Improper selection and operation of the fountain pump is likely to cause an oscillation. So there are some ways that  how to deal with it?

The following experts have given some of the water pump to resolve the claims of the solution:

1. Should pay attention to use: eliminate cause fountain pump overload of elements, such as flow blockage; appropriate to extend pump start time and reduce the disturbance of the drive shaft, reduce the collisions and conflicts between the rolling elements and a stationary component, and the resulting thermal deformation; a Shuiguang sliding of the sliding bearing, launched process should add enough pre light water skiing, avoid dry launched, until the water pump and then stop irrigation.

2. Two pumps in parallel shall ensure that the pump function. Pump function curve should be slow down type is good, can not have a hump.

3. Fountain pump in order to avoid the fountain pump amplitude is too large, but also to use the measurement analysis of the oscillation situation to determine the best operating parameters of the pump.

4. Timing to the appropriate needs oiling bearing oiling, on axis liquid centrifugal pump, due to shaft there is change the oscillation, if use have thrust, is injured is mainly thrust, then appropriate progress smooth oil viscosity and avoid liquid dynamic pressure light synovial damage.

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