1. Outlet valve opening adjustment
This approach in the pump and export pipeline regulating valve series, it seems to be the actual effect of the new pump system, the maximum output pressure of the pump has not changed, but the flow curve has been attenuated.
2. Bypass valve adjustment
In this way valves and pumps in parallel, its actual effect as if the new pump system, the maximum pump output pressure hair change, while the flow characteristic curve also produces a change, flow curve nearer to linear.
3. Adjust the diameter of the impeller
This approach does not use any external components, the flow characteristics of the curve with the change in the diameter of the changes.
4. Speed control
Impeller speed change directly change the pump flow curve, the curve of the characteristics of the change, the speed drop, the curve becomes flat, the pressure head and the maximum flow are reduced.
Pump system of all power outlet valve conditioning and bypass conditioning methods have increased the pipeline pressure is lost, pump system power is significantly reduced. Impeller diameter adjustment on the total pump system power is less, the speed control method basically does not affect the system power, as long as the speed is not less than 50% of the normal speed.