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Causes and treatment methods of water hammer for pump


Water hammer is the phenomenon of pressure fluctuation caused by the sharp change of liquid velocity in pressurized pipeline. In the pipeline system, the gate is opened and closed rapidly, the water pump suddenly stops, the water pump opens and closes the water guide blade, and the indoor sanitary appliance closes the tap. 

 1. Due to a sudden power failure caused by the pressure fluctuation of the system appears negative pressure discharge system, dissolved in the liquid bubbles to escape to pump or pipeline gas in memory. The treatment method is to exhaust the gas. 
 2. High pressure liquid column due to a sudden power failure in the impact of rapid flow, pump outlet check valve on the valve plate. The treatment method is to pump unreasonable drainage system piping, pipe accessories layout transformation. 
 3. Outlet pipe valve closed too fast. Processing method is slowly closing the valve.


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