1. Pump does not absorb water, pressure gauge, vacuum gauge pointer pendulum:
Reason: water injection pump is not enough, water pipes or instrument leakage steam.
Treatment: to pump water or tighten the plug leakage.
2. Pumps and suction vacuum gauge shows high vacuum :
Reason: at the end of valve is not open or has been silted up and the water pipe resistance or the height is too large.
Treatment: correction or replacement of the valve, cleaning or replacement of water pipes, reduce water pipe height.
3. Pressure gauge pressure, but no water pipe :
Reason: too large pipe resistance or impeller blockage, the direction of rotation error.
Treatment: check or shorten water pipes, check motor, clean impeller.
4. Low flow :
Reason: water blockage, too much wear ring.
Treatment: cleaning pumps and water pipes, replace the mouth ring.
5. Pump internal sound abnormal, water pump is not lift water:
Reason: too much traffic, suction pipe resistance or excessive height, leakage into the air, the temperature is too high.
Treatment: slightly off exit flow decreases, reducing resistance or high water, plug the leak, reducing the temperature of the liquid.
6. Pump consumes too much power :
The reason: the stuffing extrusion tight, impeller wear, increase water supply.
Treatment: clean the stuffing, replacement of the impeller outlet pipe, increase resistance.