Pipeline centrifugal pump (i.e. ISG vertical centrifugal pump ISW horizontal centrifugal pump, some single-stage XBD fire pump is the pipeline centrifugal pump installation, they generally are similar) in the application of life is too broad, how to properly install is the key for the installation of pipeline centrifugal pump can not only correct increase the service life of the pump, and can better meet the requirements!
Pipeline centrifugal pump installation technology key is to determine the pump installation height (ie suction process). The height is the vertical distance from the water surface to pump impeller center line, and it allowed to smoke confused on a high vacuum, high vacuum suction on the vacuum pump inlet section refers to the value of the pump product specifications or nameplate is allowed, and the water temperature at 1 standard atmospheric pressure, 20 degrees Celsius, the determination of test. It does not consider the flow of the suction pipe supporting. The pump installation height should be allowed to suck the vacuum height after deducting the suction pipe loss head, the remaining part of the value, it is necessary to overcome the actual terrain suction height. Pump installation height can not exceed the calculated value, otherwise, the pump will not pump water.
The calculated values affect the size of the resistance water pipe head loss, therefore, should adopt the shortest piping layout, and minimize the elbow and other parts, can also be appropriately equipped with larger diameter pipe to reduce the flow tube.
It should be noted that the installation of pipeline centrifugal pump elevation and water temperature is different from the test conditions, such as the local elevation of 300 meters or more than the pumping temperature of more than 20 degrees Celsius, the calculation value to be amended. That is, the atmospheric pressure at different elevations and the saturation vapor pressure above 20 degrees celsius. However, when the water temperature is below 20 degrees Celsius, the saturation vapor pressure can be ignored.
From the pipeline installation technology, suction pipes require stringent tightness, can not leak, Water Leakage, otherwise it will damage the intake pump vacuum to pump out the water, even when serious pumping Sheung shui. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in the pipeline interface to ensure the quality of pipeline connection construction.