1.On the submersible pump
Before the launch will need to view the status of the rolling shaft is not normal, there is no death scene; the impeller range is not normal; cable and cable plugs without rupture, abrasions and broken scene etc.. In operation to pay attention to the investigation of the voltage changes, usually in the additional voltage of 5% or less. The other pump in the water is very important position, should also choose full of water and no Xu in the mud, the local water quality is good, straight suspension in the water, not across, so as not to fall into the mud pump blocked or suspended imports, which fell sharply and even resorted to water pumping would not lift water.
2.On the self priming pump
Should be placed in a good local operation of ventilation, in order to facilitate the rapid cooling, the motor temperature. Otherwise, the long run, easy to burn the motor. Such as farmers in the use of self suction pump, removed because there is no cover up the plastic film on the motor, resulting in motor overheating and burned the coil. In the other, before launching, must check the pump body of water, otherwise, not only affects the function of self suction, and easily burned seal parts. Under normal conditions, 3 to 5 minutes after the start of the pump should be water, or should be immediately shut down view.
3.Water pump repair
Once there is a problem with the water pump, should not start to open. As a result of the open, one is not knowing where the problem and the formation of a blind indiscriminate demolition of a pass; two is no special tools and usually damage the original intact parts. The best way is to have experience, the size of the repair repair, and timely replacement of "overage" and certain parts of vulnerability. Under normal conditions, the pump should be repaired once every six months, put an end to the band "sick".
4.Non use of storage
In the non - use period, the water pump should be put out of water, and the water in the air pump, especially in the cold winter. Then place it in a dry place, a condition of the user can also be coated with butter in the key parts of the pump, in the bearing and lubricating oil, in order to prevent parts rust. In addition, the non use of water pump, the longer the better. If not used for a long time, not only easy to rust parts, but also to reduce the use of water pump life.