Model selection steps of deep well water pump

First: the basic data are listed:
1. The properties of the medium: media name, specific gravity, viscosity, corrosive, toxic, etc.
2. Medium diameter soild content (mass or volume percent)
3. Medium temperature: (℃)
4. The required flow rate
General industrial pumps can be ignored in the process piping system leakage, the impact on the flow of time but must take into account process variations. If the pump is the use of agricultural water must also consider the open channel seepage and evaporation.
5. Pressure: pressure drainage sump tank pressure piping system pressure drop (head loss)
6. The pipeline system data (diameter, length, type and number of pipe fittings to pressure sump tank geometric elevation, etc.) if desired device should also be made at the characteristic arrangement of piping design should note the following:
A. A reasonable choice of pipe diameter pipe diameter at the same flow rate, the flow rate of a small resistance loss is small, but the high price of small diameter pipeline will lead to resistance loss increases rapidly increase so that the selected pump head equipped with power increased and operating costs have increased Therefore, technical and economic point of view should be taken into account
B. The discharge pipe and fittings can withstand the maximum pressure should be considered in
C. Piping should be as straight tubes arranged to minimize pipe attachments and minimizing the length of the pipe must turn when the elbow bend radius should be 3 to 5 times greater than the angle of the pipe diameter as 90 ℃
D. The discharge side of the pump to be fitted with valves (ball valve or shut-off valves, etc.) and check valve valve used to adjust the pump operating point at the time of check valve prevents backflow of liquid pump inverted and the pump to prevent water hammer blow (when the liquid back will have a huge reverse pressure pump damage)
Second: determine the flow head:
Determining the flow rate of
A. If the production process has been given the minimum, normal, maximum flow should consider the maximum flow rate
B. If the production process is given only normal traffic should consider to leave a margin for ns> 100 large flow of low lift pump flow which is not intended to take the balance of 5% ns> 50 small flow of high-lift pump flow margin take 10% 50≤ns≤100 pump flow margin also take 5% of the poor quality and poor operating conditions of the pump flow rate margin should take 10%
C. Only if the basic data to be converted into a weight flow volume flow.