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Energy saving method for agricultural water pump

OS single-stage double suction pump


1.  Water pump inclined loading, detract from the elbow. Inclined to install the pump or spiral case, the water outlet is on the pond.

2. Reduce the pipeline. Remove 1 meters of steel pipe, 10 hours to save diesel 0.21 kg.

3. The expansion of the outlet pipe diameter. 4 meters long 10 cm water hose for 15 cm tube, 10 hours to save diesel 0.5 kg.

4. In the water can maintain the cleaning of the things, can remove the filter.

5. Change the ring, the adjustment of the axial gap. Avoid the impeller ring and the axial gap is not appropriate, the use of the pump should be based on the factory to explain the commissioning.

6. As early as possible eliminate pipeline congestion. Foreign bodies remain in the inlet pipe, impeller or diversion shell flow channel, will be used to water.

7. To avoid the pump intake. The pump into the air, the water will be the surface impairment for the tightly closed part of seizing protection.

8. Think appropriate and use coupling direct drive replacement flat belt, can increase the transmission rate.

9. Eliminate the "gun" type outlet. This increase in energy delivery.

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