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Deep well pump safety equipment and breakdown management

deep well pump safety equipment and breakdown management:

1. Our company requires the user to meet or exceed all the safety standards as described below the equipment and precautions should be fitted and taken respectively:

a. The safety switch is the protecting equipment of the submersible pump to start and run. It can monitor the working of overload and working in low current to keep the pump work safely.
b. The function of the valve is adjusting the head and flow of the pump to a standard scope to avoid overload and extend the using time of the pump.
c. Cable: we strongly recommend the user adopt the cable that matches the motor or the motor will become hot for overload result in the resistance cover of the cable aging over fast and do harm to human life.

2. Earth connection line: as for the submersible pump in the well, our company will provide the lines according to the requirement of the user.

Attention: the extracting part of the earth connection line must be connected well with the earth, as to the exact specification, please resort to host nation’s different standards.

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